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Geekbidz and LRDG Announce Strategic Partnership Ushering in the New-Era of Direct Hiring That Reduces 75% of Hiring Costs

Austin Texas, August 17, 2020 ​– Geekbidz, LLC. and LRDG Ltd. (LRDG) are pleased to announce a joint strategic partnership to introduce the cutting-edge, direct-to-hire platform that is redefining the hiring process, while completely eliminating biases and dramatically reducing the cost of recruiting.

LRDG’s Product Strategy and Marketing expertise in the Software as a Service (SaaS) sector perfectly complements Geekbidz’s innovative, recruiter-free, and A.I.-driven hiring platform.

Cu​rrent hiring practices are broken. Biased and resource intensive, they have become costly and challenging, leaving job seekers ​exhausted while job retention is at ​an all-time low. ​Now, with the new challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, companies and professionals are ​becoming even more frustrated ​within the current hiring ecosystem.

For corporations that are looking for a quicker and more efficient way to hire professionals, Geekbidz’s leading-edge solution, can cut ​your monthly hiring cost​s by 75% w​hile reducing your time to hire fr​om an average of 42-days to just a few.

“It’s my pleasure to announce our groundbreaking hiring solution, that’s more satisfying than a cup of morning coffee, when a position is filled with the best skilled person in just a few days” said Henri Cheung, Marketing Director of LRDG.

Anthony Kirkwood, CEO and founder of GeekBidz described, “Our mission is to create a world where hiring doesn’t require recruiters​, résumés, or interviews. ​At GeekBidz, ​we’ve built a unique, A.I​.-driven, skill-based platform which provides a fast and efficient hiring solution completely free from bias, at a fraction of the cost of traditional practices. W​e also understand that the ​only way to truly know ​if someone is a good fit for a role​, is when they’re doing the job. This is the Way Hiring Should Be!”

With our partnership commencing today, a time-limited, free-of-charge beta period will be announced in a couple of weeks. For more information, please visit ​ or pre-register your free trial at ​​.

About Geekbidz:

Geekbidz, a Texas-based cutting-edge technology startup, founded by two enthusiastic geeks that ​are pass​ionate about findi​ng solutions to​ fix the broken​ hiring process tha​t is fille​d with systematic bias, inefficiency and ​bureaucracy​.


About LRDG:

LRDG Ltd. (LRDG), a Canada-based multinational marketing agency, along with their clients in Ontario, British Columbia, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, is dedicated to Branding, Product Strategy, Online Marketing, and Designs across the Consumer-Packaged Goods (CPG), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Education sectors.​

Download the Full text PDF here.

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