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Toronto Marketing Agency Supports Ukraine by Donating Subscriptions

14 March 2022, Toronto.

We Must Take a Stand Alongside Ukraine

As of February 22nd, Russia has been invading Ukraine. This constitutes a serious humanitarian crisis, as large numbers of Ukrainian citizens have been killed or displaced by the conflict, and it appears as though Russia is trying to wrest Ukraine’s very independence away from it. We at LRDG are appalled by this display of violence and cruelty, and we want to display our support for the country and people of Ukraine.

We at LRDG are appalled by this display of violence and cruelty, and we want to display our support for the country and people of Ukraine.
We at LRDG are appalled by this display of violence and cruelty, and we want to display our support for the country and people of Ukraine.

What is happening in Ukraine?

Russia’s unjustified invasion of Ukraine is not a surprising occurrence. Ukraine declared its independence from Russia in 1991 after the fall of the Soviet Union, and ever since has suffered from Russian meddling in its elections and at its borders. In 2014, Russian-aligned separatists seized control of the parliament in Crimea and permitted Moscow to annex the territory. This went effectively unpunished at the time.

The area surrounding a massive TV tower in Kyiv after being hit by military strikes on 1 Mar 2022. (CNN)
The area surrounding a massive TV tower in Kyiv after being hit by military strikes on 1 Mar 2022. (CNN)

On February 22nd, Vladimir Putin made a statement that he would be conducting what he called “a special military option” in the Donbass region of Ukraine, citing nonexistent genocide as his reason for doing so. Ever since, the people of Ukraine’s historic cities have been subjected to bombardments and assaults by Russian forces. This war has a significant human cost: there have been 50,000 casualties in this conflict, and 2.3 million Ukrainians have fled the country as refugees since February 24th.

This is where things stand as of today. There have been a wide variety of small, terrifying incidents within this conflict ever since the 22nd, ranging from an accident at a nuclear power plant to the repeated shelling of civilian infrastructure. Most worryingly, many of Russia’s most significant neighbours either tacitly endorse Putin’s actions or are simply apathetic to them. It is unacceptable all around, and something must be done.

What can you do as a company to support Ukraine?

The situation in Ukraine is dire, and there are many people who need help. From refugees and asylum-seekers to those who can’t or won’t leave their homes, the total cost of Ukraine’s current woes is sprawling. There are shortages of food and medicine in the country, as supply chains are stretched thin and blockades are set up. This humanitarian crisis requires all of our efforts to resolve.

There are ways you can help the people of Ukraine (The Guardian)
There are ways you can help the people of Ukraine (The Guardian)

If you want to help, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, the thing that Ukraine needs above all else is money. While it may be tempting to try and purchase food or supplies to ship to Ukraine, it should be noted that logistics are strained in the country due to the ongoing war effort and there is no guarantee that perishable goods will arrive in a timely fashion. You should also be wary of charity appeals for “development” or “long-term rebuilding.” Ukraine needs money now, not in five years.

What we at LRDG are doing to help for the Ukraine crisis

This is where we come in. We at LRDG are a full-service marketing agency, focused on online advertising geared for your specific needs as a company. We do not believe in war, and we support the cause of peace, justice, and the preservation of human lives. It is our belief that Ukraine deserves its sovereignty, and that the Ukrainians deserve to live in peace and happiness without Russian authority. It is our goal to help not just you, but Ukraine as well.

In support of Ukraine, for all new marketing-services package subscriptions, your first two months’ subscription fees will be 100% donated to Ukraine via Bitcoin/Ethereum. We will donate them directly to the Ukrainian government via their official crypto accounts.

LRDG will donate 100% of the first 2 months of your subscription to the verified Ukraine government's crypto account, to protect and demonstrate the power of democracy.
LRDG will donate 100% of the first 2 months of your subscription to the verified Ukraine government's crypto account, to protect and demonstrate the power of democracy.

In the face of war and violence, everyone needs to step up and do their part. If you’re looking to do some good, your money would be going not only towards effectively marketing your goods and services, but also to a humanitarian cause, supporting peace in the world and in Ukraine. LRDG is your choice, and we look forward to hearing from you.

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